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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The Home Minister made a serious mistake of breaking the 'chain of command' of the police: KC

"I would like to request the Home Minister to be serious about the manner of transfer terror, shadowing the administration and breaking the chain of command in the security organs and keeping a crooked eye on the chiefs."

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Arjun Narasimha KC, the main opposition Congress MP, has objected to the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane saying that random transfers have spread terror among the police.

The Home Minister made a serious mistake of breaking the 'chain of command' of the police: KC

In the meeting of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, while participating in the discussion on the allocated budget of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, National Planning Commission, Office of the Vice President and Office of the President, MP KC questioned why the random transfer of the police was done against the law. are .

On 100 days of the Ministry of Home Affairs, KC expressed anger saying that Home Minister Lamichhane has broken the chain of command of the security agencies and made the head of the security agency innocent. He said that the Home Minister had spread transfer panic by changing the police and 66 police officers 17 times in 100 days.

"During this 100-day period, I read all the 100-day presentation of the Ministry of Home Affairs . There is a list of daily tasks. But in a new way, the new team with the home minister entered with enthusiasm, commitment, and popular slogans. I didn't get any in the 100-day program," Casey said. "There were 17 police changes in 100 days. More than 3400 policemen were changed during this three-month period . 66 Cdio and Assistant Cdio have changed . Why the need for so many changes within 100 days? While the police regulations clearly state that changes can only be made for one year in special circumstances or if there is a mistake in his work, otherwise it should not be changed.'

KC said that the chain of command of the police is being tried to be weakened. "Now the transfer of terror, not only terror, but also the chain of command within the police, the work that has been done to make a helpless shadow is not what is expected from the Home Minister. I always believed that it would be done by you within a certain method and dignity,'' said KC. I want to request the Home Minister.'

प्रकाशित : असार ४, २०८१ १५:२३
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