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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Sharma's demand to bring informal sector workers under the scope of social security fund


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Congress General Minister and Member of Parliament Bishwa Prakash Sharma has demanded from the government to include the workers in the informal sector in the contribution-based social security fund.

Sharma's demand to bring informal sector workers under the scope of social security fund

In the meeting of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, MP Sharma demanded emergency time and demanded the government to bring informal sector workers under the scope of social security fund.

He said that the government has not fulfilled its obligations even though the government will bring informal sector workers under the scope of social security fund in the next financial year's budget . He also drew the attention of the government to this issue saying that 1 thousand 14 rupees which the government should pay has not been missed.

'In the budget, the government has said that informal sector workers will also be included in the social security scheme, but I want to raise a serious question, they have also said that they will be included, but the government has not allocated Rs 1,140,000,' said MP Sharma. I would like to draw the attention of the government, that the government should take serious initiatives in the direction of what is stated in article 34 of the constitution, which is to include the workers in the informal sector in the contribution-based social security act. By communicating with all trade unions and stakeholders in Nepal, I would like to seriously draw the attention of the government to create a situation in this country where people do not have to die while cleaning wells. ;

प्रकाशित : असार ४, २०८१ १२:२०
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