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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

In Karnali, people have to carry vehicles: MP Thani


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Nepali Congress MP Hridayram Thani has warned that he will surround the parliament building if the budget is not allocated for road construction in Karnali province.

In Karnali, people have to carry vehicles: MP Thani

Taking an emergency time in the meeting of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, MP Thani objected that the government has not allocated enough budget for the upgradation of various roads in Karnali Province.

MP Thani said that the highway of Karnali province has become a 'death highway'. If the government ignores Karnali Province, MPs of Karnali Province warned that they will surround the parliament building.

How long will we continue to push the car? What is proportional development? What the current government says is giving proportionally, has this Karnali been allowed to bear the death penalty? Therefore, I would like to say, if the government does it this way, the parliamentarians of Karnali province will have to surround the parliament," MP Thani said, "the ministry will have to be surrounded . I want to tell the government that we are ready to pay any price if the budget is not allocated for these roads.' "In our province, cars do not support people, if they break down, people have to carry them," he said.

MP Thani said that because the road is narrow, there is an accident even if another vehicle leaves the road.

प्रकाशित : असार ४, २०८१ १२:३६
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