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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Congress MP Chaudhary supported Lingden's move to tear the budget booklet in the rostrum


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Nepali Congress MP Chanda Chaudhary has supported RPP Chairman Rajendra Lingden's decision to tear the budget book in the rostrum.

Congress MP Chaudhary supported Lingden's move to tear the budget booklet in the rostrum

Speaking at the House of Representatives meeting on Tuesday, MP Choudhary said that the ministers allocated the budget by focusing on their constituencies. Did he make the ministers only for his constituency ? she asked. She said that Lingden tore up the budget booklet of the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport due to pain and said that she would support that work. She mentioned that the budget book is meant to be torn and said that when one person tears it, it is like everyone tears it .

Ministers became ministers only for their constituencies? Will it develop the country ? 2 lakh bridge in Karnali. 1 crore 71 lakh rupees to build a road in Janakpur ward. There are 8 districts in Madhesh province, is Janakpur the most backward district? No,' she said, 'there is pain . Let's not do this . Honorable Rajendra Lyngden, the chairman of a party in Parliament, tore this book. What good is this? It's not good . But his pain is torn . Torn I support . Because it must be torn . But when one person broke it, it was like everyone broke it.'

She said that the budget of the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure is concentrated only in Dhanusha district.

प्रकाशित : असार ४, २०८१ १४:५८
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