कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

There was no agreement on the terms of reference of the Cooperative Inquiry Committee

The ruling party refused to name Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Lamichhane

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The ruling party and the main opposition party failed to agree on the terms of reference of the parliamentary inquiry committee on the misappropriation of cooperative funds.

There was no agreement on the terms of reference of the Cooperative Inquiry Committee

The ruling party has maintained the position that an order can be made to investigate the distressed cooperatives, but the name of Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane cannot be removed. The agreement could not be reached after the Congress reiterated that Lamichhane should be investigated as he was involved in embezzling the funds of the cooperative.

'We have clearly expressed our opinion that an inquiry committee cannot be formed by showing fault to Home Minister Raviji,' Mahesh Bertaula, a member of the Executive Committee and UML chief whip, said, 'Congress is looking at whether an inquiry can be made in the cooperative without mentioning Raviji's name.' -break He said that he would not object to investigating all cooperatives in crisis.

Bertaula said that the meeting of the working group could be concluded at 8:30 on Friday morning.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ १८:३९
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