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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

Tarun Dal rally in Koteshwar demanding resignation of Home Minister


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Nepal Tarun Dal took out a rally on Thursday saying that Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane, who was involved in the co-operative fraud case, has shown the attitude of power and strength.

Tarun Dal rally in Koteshwar demanding resignation of Home Minister

Tarun Dal, a brother organization of the main opposition Nepali Congress, has also demanded the resignation of Lamichhane, saying that a parliamentary committee should be formed to investigate Lamichhane and that Lamichhane should immediately resign as Home Minister and help in the investigation.

The ranke procession in Koteshwar, Kathmandu was started by scholar Gurung. During that time, the leaders and activists raised slogans saying 'The worthless Home Minister should resign, where is GB Rai?, release Kailash Sirohia, long live press freedom'.

Heavy police deployment was made in Koteshwar targeting the demonstration of Tarun Dal. Speaking at a corner meeting held after the rally, Ashok Jha, a central member of Nepal Tarun Dal, protested that Home Minister Lamichhane tried to hide the co-operative fraud he was involved in by misusing his power and authority and arrested the chairman of Kantipur Media Group based on writing news about it.

The Congress, which is obstructing the Parliament by demanding the formation of a parliamentary inquiry committee against the Home Minister Lamichhane, called on the fraternal organizations to protest against cooperative fraud in the central committee meeting on Wednesday, and the Congress has announced that it will hold a massive public demonstration in Kathmandu on May 13.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ २०:३८
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