कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९१

Confirmation that Home Minister Lamichhane took a loan of 2 million rupees illegally from Supreme Cooperative

In the report of investigation conducted by Rupandehi police, there is evidence that Lamichhane illegally took money from the cooperative. But the police did not even make general inquiries with Lamichhane. The public prosecutor's office also filed a case against people other than Lamichhane without giving any response.

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Investigation has confirmed that Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane illegally took a loan of Rs 2 crore from Supreme Savings and Loan Cooperative of Butwal. Based on the investigation report by the Rupandehi District Police Office, the charge sheet submitted by the Public Prosecutor's Office to the District Court on Monday states that Lamichhane took a loan of 2 million rupees.

Confirmation that Home Minister Lamichhane took a loan of 2 million rupees illegally from Supreme Cooperative

It is mentioned in the indictment that loans were made illegally in the name of Ravi Lamichhane from the Supreme Savings and Loan Cooperative opened in Butwal under the leadership of Gitendra Babu (GB) Rai. In the indictment filed in the district court, it is mentioned that ``a loan was raised in the name of Lamichhane and 1 crore 96 lakh rupees was deposited in the account of Gorkha Media Network Pvt. In the mission of the

investigation, although Ravi mentioned the evidence of illegally taking money from the cooperative, the police did not even make a general inquiry with Lamichhane. If the police did not make him an accused, the public prosecutor's office also filed a case without giving any response.

In the charge sheet of the case investigated and filed by the police in the cooperative fraud case, it has been seen that an investment of 13.6 million rupees has been made by the cooperative in Gorkha Media Network Pvt. Ltd. Gorkha Media Network is the organization that launched Galaxy TV. In which Ravi Lamichhane had 15 percent share .

After the complaint of 1,828 savers who saved money in the cooperative, Butwal area police investigated the embezzlement, misappropriation and fraud of the cooperative's funds .

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ३, २०८१ २१:५५
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