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On the one hand, the opposition and the bill in the parliament, the parliament was closed for 10 days and the speaker went to Switzerland

Although the rules of the House of Representatives clearly stipulate that the Deputy Speaker can also conduct the meeting, Speaker Ghimire adjourned the House of Representatives till March 18.

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On the one hand, there is a bill that needs to be discussed in the parliament and finalized soon, on the other hand, the parliament is not running smoothly due to political issues. The speaker who should be expelled has flown to Switzerland with a group of MPs including chief whips. Instead of giving the Deputy Speaker the right to run the Parliament, the Speaker has adjourned the House of Representatives for 10 days.

On the one hand, the opposition and the bill in the parliament, the parliament was closed for 10 days and the speaker went to Switzerland

Speaker Devraj Ghimire left for Switzerland on Thursday with a team of 10 people including chief whips of political parties to participate in the 148th General Assembly of the Inter-Legislative Union (IPU). The General Assembly is being held in Geneva, Switzerland from March 10 to 14. On the other hand, the House of Representatives meeting will be held only on March 18, while the Deputy Speaker can conduct the meeting as per the rules of the House of Representatives.

Rule 6 of the House of Representatives Rules, 2079 provides for the conduct of meetings and adjournments. However, if the Speaker gives a written instruction to the Deputy Speaker or if the Speaker is unable to attend the meeting due to circumstances beyond his control, the Deputy Speaker shall announce the commencement and adjournment of the meeting or the postponement of the meeting initiated by the Speaker. The speaker has not given the letter to the deputy speaker to hold the meeting, instead he has postponed the meeting for 10 days.

Speaker's team includes chief whips of all four parties. Congress Chief Whip Ramesh Akhtar, UML Chief Whip Mahesh Bertaula, Maoist Chief Whip Hitraj Pandey, National Independent Party Chief Whip Santosh Periyar, National Assembly Member Gangakumari Belbase (Maoist), Parliament Secretary General Padam Prasad Pandey, Parliament Secretariat Spokesperson Ekram Giri, Speaker Ghimire's Chief Personal Secretary Tejprakash Bhattarai and Deputy Secretary of Parliament Secretariat Pradeep Gurgai have gone to the team.

Speaker Ghimire is going to participate in the Mahasabha for the second time. Previously, he also participated in the 146th General Assembly held in Bahrain in 079 February. Likewise, the 147th General Assembly held in Luanda, the capital of Angola, from October 6 to 10, 2080, was led by the President of the National Assembly, Ganesh Timilsina.

Also, the House of Representatives has been criticized for not being effective in the role of law-making in law-making. Although the annual session lasted for 6 months, only one bill was passed except for the budget. After pressure from the road and public circles, the bill on meter badge victims was passed.

According to Law Minister Padam Giri, the government has set a target of advancing about 46 bills in this session. In addition to this, 13 bills have been registered in the parliament, although the bills have not moved forward in the winter session that began on January 22.

When Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane tried to present a bill related to political parties, the opposition Congress has been obstructing him by saying that he should be investigated for misappropriation of cooperative funds. The ruling party is not ready for that. The speaker and the chief whips have left the deadlock.

Even the former Speakers did not consider it natural for the Speaker to go abroad for such a long time after closing the House of Representatives. Former Speaker Damannath Dhungana said that by ignoring issues raised by political parties, bills registered in Parliament and matters of general concern, going abroad for a long time sent the message that the Parliament is not the priority of leading the Parliament.

There is no tradition for the speaker to go abroad when the parliament is in session. At such a time, if there is a program, even if the deputy speaker, parliamentarian, secretary of the parliament participates, he says, the speaker cannot ignore the questions raised by the opposition party on the government and the minister and the responsibility of finalizing the bill that came to the parliament. Similarly, former Speaker Onsari Gharti said that it is not appropriate to adjourn the Parliament for a long time when there is business in the Parliament. "If there is urgent business to be completed by the Parliament, it is not good to postpone the Parliament for a long time," she said.

The main goal of this session is to pass the Amendment Bill on the Investigation, Truth and Reconciliation Commission Act (TRC) of persons disappeared in the conflict. Due to the passage of the bill, the rest of the peace process has not been completed. This bill, which was registered in the Parliament Secretariat on February 25, 2007, could not be passed due to political interference. Out of the total 13 registered in the Parliament, only the Banks and Financial Institutions (First Amendment) Bill was registered in the middle of this session.

As there is a constitutional provision to bring the budget on May 15, the government is in the mood to extend the current winter session only to the first week of Baisakh. As the gap between the end of the winter session and the convening of the annual session should be at least 15 days, the possibility of passing all the bills related to the implementation of the TRC and the Constitution in the next session, as said by the Prime Minister, is low.

Similarly, the federal police, civil, education and other bills related to the implementation of federalism have not been finalized. From the beginning, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has been expressing his commitment to empower the province by passing this bill in this session. "The Congress is saying that it will block the meeting from March 18 by demanding a parliamentary inquiry into the cooperative issue. On the other hand, the meeting cannot continue for more than 15 days.

There should have been political coordination and continuous meetings to advance the stuck bills' said an official of the Parliament Secretariat, 'If you don't do that, there is a risk that going abroad will end without a single bill being passed like the previous annual session.'

National Assembly Former Speaker Timilsina says that it is a tradition to lead one of the two Houses and participate in the Inter-Legislative General Assembly. The Inter-Legislative Assembly is an organization of parliaments around the world. It is customary to represent both houses together,' he said, 'This is an important forum for countries with parliamentary practice.' "We are going to advance many bills in this session, it is natural that it will be affected when the meeting is not held and adjourned for various reasons. Moreover, the annual session focuses on the budget, he said, but it is also important for the country to go to the Inter-Executive General Assembly where Speakers from all over the world gather.

On the other hand, the National Assembly has also been postponed for a week. There are also 13 bills in the National Assembly. Of the 30 bills, 17 have become inactive. There is no restriction on the National Assembly to proceed with the discussion on the Standing Bill. On the one hand, the Chief Ministers are complaining that the provinces have not been able to show their work due to the lack of necessary laws for the implementation of federalism, on the other hand, the National Assembly, which is the main representative of the provinces and local levels, has become ineffective in the matter of giving authority to the provinces according to the constitution.

List of Bills registered in Parliament

Banks and Financial Institutions (First Amendment) Bill, 2080

  • Federal Civil Service Bill, 2080
  • Political Parties (Second Amendment) Bill . Electricity Bill, 2080
  • School Education Bill, 2080
  • Bill to amend some Nepal Acts, 2080
  • Bill to amend Disappeared Persons Investigation, Truth and Reconciliation Commission Act, 2071
  • Constitutional Council (Works, Duties, Rights and Procedures) Act, 2066 to amend the Act, 2066 Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers
  • Bill to amend some Acts relating to prevention of money laundering and promotion of business environment, 2079

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ९, २०८० ०६:२८
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