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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २१३

Maoist Vice President Mahara was taken to Kathmandu from Bhairahawa Airport

घनश्याम गौतम

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The Maoist vice president Krishna Bahadur Mahara, who is linked to the gold smuggling case, has been arrested from Kapilvastu. Mahara was arrested by Ruppandehi police who was going to Rolpa from Kathmandu via Bhairahawa Airport.

Maoist Vice President Mahara was taken to Kathmandu from Bhairahawa Airport

Ruppandehi Police Spokesperson Deputy Superintendent of Police Manohar Bhatt said that Mahara was sent to Kathmandu by plane as he wanted to return to Kathmandu after police surveillance.

He was recommended to take action by the high-level commission formed to investigate gold smuggling. After that, he was under high police surveillance. Sudarshan Baral, Chairman of Lumbini Province of CPN-Maoist Center, also said that Mahara was arrested. "The police informed that he was arrested and sent to Kathmandu," he said, "Maharaji came from Kathmandu this morning to go to Rolpa."

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ५, २०८० १०:५६
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