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The party president tried to remove the person from the parliament because he did not have a personal secretary: benefits


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Janamat Party MP Goma Lab Sapkota has said that President CK Raut is trying to take action against the said person for not appointing his personal secretary. She also said that the personal secretary that MPs can hire is not comfortable for them to be appointed by the party.

The party president tried to remove the person from the parliament because he did not have a personal secretary: benefits

The Janmat Party has sent a letter to the Parliament Secretariat asking Lab to be removed as an MP as he was expelled as an ordinary member of the party. Speaker Devraj Ghimire is studying the letter written by Janmat in the second week of February. Speaker's Secretariat has informed that Speaker Ghimire received the letter on February 27 and also discussed it with Sike Raut, Chairman of Public Opinion.

Federal Parliament Secretariat spokesperson Ekram Giri informed that the letter has been received but no decision has been made yet. He said, 'A letter has been received in this regard, the speaker is studying it.'

MP Sapkota said that she was following the party decisions and even though she was working as the party told her in the parliament and parliamentary committee, action was being taken. 'I have not done badly for the party . I have also played a role in the parliament,' she said, 'He told me to vote for the government, I told him to vote for the opposition. I have gone to the parliament and to the committee and told about the party.'

After trying to take action against her, Labh said that she was not even given time to talk to Chairman Raut. A leader of Janmat informed that Chairman Raut made an arbitrary decision. The leader said that President Raut took a unilateral decision regarding the party's institutional functioning and did not give any information about it to the party committee.

According to Section 34 of the Act on Political Parties, if an MP is expelled from the party as an ordinary member, he/she will be relieved of office . There is a provision that the party has to make a decision and inform the parliament secretariat about the decision and after the speaker informs the parliament about it, the MP will be relieved of his post .

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ४, २०८० १७:३२
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