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138 kg gold smuggling case: Case filed against former vice president's advisor Gurung

सुदीप कैनी

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A case has been filed in the district court of Kathmandu on Friday against Jeevan Kumar Gurung, the then advisor of former Vice President Nandkishore Pun, "foreign affairs expert" on the charge of smuggling 138 kg of gold from Tribhuvan International Airport.

138 kg gold smuggling case: Case filed against former vice president's advisor Gurung

According to the airport customs office, a lawsuit has been filed with a demand of 1 billion 40 million 55 million 30 thousand bigo and 5 years imprisonment.

A case has been filed against 9 people in the gold smuggling case. Out of the cases filed, 7 people are in custody for the investigation and 2 people are absconding .

Chief Customs Officer Maniram Paudel of the Customs Office said that 10 accused including Gurung have been charged with the same offence. He is also the coordinator of the investigation committee on gold smuggling formed by the customs department.

In the investigation and investigation, it was found that the porters smuggled gold from Dubai and other countries through the airport and took it. He is also the Executive Head of Platinum College in Dillibazar. are .

On 21st November, Gurungdi, the main planner to bring gold, was found to be carrying 14 kilos of gold after Chandra Gha of Gorkha was raided. He was prosecuted by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CIB) on February 14. After the investigation, it was found that Gurung took charge and managed the gold brought by the porter in the investigation and investigation by the airport customs office.

A customs officer participating in the investigation said that the gold brought by porters reaches Gurung through Min Ghale of Gorkha. The Ghale group has been smuggling gold since 2014 and in the last one year only about 138 kg of gold was smuggled into Nepal. After the gold brought by the porter was taken out of the airport, first Min Ghale I understood . After that, evidence has been found that Jeevan Gurung took him to the said place and put him in charge, said the official.

In that case, Min Ghale, Chandra Ghale, Krishna Kumar Shrestha, Sher Bahadur Basnet, Radhakrishna Shrestha, Lek Bahadur Tamang, Anil Shrestha and Ramesh Deula are in prison for investigation, while Dan Bahadur Gurung and Bina Gurung are absconding. They are husband and wife .

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २, २०८० १७:१४
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