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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २३४

Prachanda and me in the change of alliance: Oli

Oli asked the Congress, 'Are you saying you won't support it now? Pohor was supposed to support, Pohor had a very positive speech Ufriufrikan, what happened this time again?'

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UML President KP Sharma Oli has said that the allegation that the Congress and neighboring countries were made by other countries in the change of alliance is not true. He said that Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal was the main factor in the change of alliance and he supported it.

Prachanda and me in the change of alliance: Oli

Supporting the vote of confidence held by the Prime Minister, Oli said in the House of Representatives, 'We have done a great job together. "Congress says that it has done good work by itself, but how does it leave others alone?," he said, "It is wrong to say that we have done so much work, including the formation of the government." This is what we did . Prachandaji is the main one. I am also supporting. No matter what is given to the two brothers!'

Oli asked the Congress to give a vote of confidence to Prime Minister Dahal. He said that even if the Congress did not ask for votes in the past, it would support them even now. "Last year, it was like putting a new battery in a hurry, excited and excited, without even asking for votes. was supported . Now you don't support now? To support Pohor, Pohor had given a very positive speech Ufriufrikan, what happened this time again?,' he asked .

Oli said that since the Prime Minister and the Congress are the same, the Congress should support it.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ३०, २०८० १२:१२
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