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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २१३

Let's send home the minister who cannot work and has scars: Mahamantri Thapa


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Nepali Congress General Minister Gagan Thapa has said that the party should take action against ministers who are unable to work and who have scars. In Thursday's meeting of the General Committee, General Minister Thapa said that those who cannot work should be given rest and the ministers who have scars should be sent home.

Let's send home the minister who cannot work and has scars: Mahamantri Thapa

Addressing the closing ceremony of the General Committee, Thapa also said that those involved in corruption should not be kept around.

'Let's give rest to the minister who can't work, send home the minister who has scars and let the Congress do the work,' he said, 'Congress should be able to say that if every member of the ward can't work, he will stay at home for 10 years instead of a ticket next time . It should be said that the Congress will not keep a person involved in corruption.'

General Minister Thapa said that after doing all those things, the power of the party will increase with the help of the government.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १०, २०८० १८:५३
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