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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Some results of the visit to China will emerge immediately: Foreign Minister Shrestha


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Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Narayankaji Shrestha returned home on Monday morning after visiting China. Foreign Minister Shrestha's visit was more discussed diplomatically, politically and religiously.

Some results of the visit to China will emerge immediately: Foreign Minister Shrestha

But the trip of Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha, who visited three other cities along with the capital Beijing at the invitation of China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi, seems meaningful.

In this context, Jagdishwar Pandey had a conversation with Foreign Minister Narayankaji Shrestha for Kantipur :

How do you review your visit?

Although this visit was of goodwill, it focused on further strengthening the friendly relations between Nepal and China. Discussed the traditional benefits of Nepal and China. I have discussed how Nepal can benefit from the rapid development of China. There have been very serious and positive discussions on economic investment, trade, promotion, tourism and technology transfer in Nepal. Results are available some immediately after the visit and some after some time .

met with Wang Huning, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, in Beijing. What was discussed in the meeting?

Mainly, various dimensions of the relationship between Nepal and China were discussed. The discussion focused on the fact that mutual and good friendly relations will contribute to the development of Nepal and China.

What kind of discussions were held regarding the BRI implementation plan in the talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi?

We signed the BRI MoU in 2017 . After that, homework is being done for the BRI implementation plan in the second phase. This time it was also discussed in the bilateral talks with him . We are positive about that. It has been agreed to finalize the discussion going on now. After the completion of the implementation plan, the project will be selected which is suitable for the interest of Nepal. And at that time, there will also be a discussion about loans or grants

Nepal proposed a Nepal-China Foreign Minister level joint commission in Beijing. Why is this necessary?

Now there is a secretary-level joint commission . Our relations with our neighbors are very good and need to be improved. Because of that, it is appropriate if the discussion takes place at the political level, and the discussion between the two sides has progressed positively. During the

tour, you went to Chongqing, Tibet and Sichuan after Beijing. What is the main reason for going to these three areas?

is to advance the economic development corridor with Nepal from these three areas . Economic development of Nepal should be done by connecting with Tibet, Sichuan and Chongqing. I have seriously worked on this matter . While visiting these places, I have had detailed discussions with the high-level representatives there . There has been talk of developing Tibet, Sichuan and Chongqing with Nepal as a Nepal-China Economic Development Corridor.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २०, २०८० १२:३४
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