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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

"As finance minister, I should have been thanked"


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After one year, UML, Maoists and RSVP have come together and Congress has left the government. After the collapse of the alliance formed on December 10 last year, a new alliance was formed between the Congress and the Maoists with the presidential election on February 25.

According to the second tier leaders of UML-Maoist, a new political 'course' has started after an agreement was reached on the matter of changing the prime ministership and forming an electoral alliance or party unity in the 084 elections. According to this agreement, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal dismissed all his ministers and appointed one minister each from UML, Maoist and RSVP on Monday. UML's Padam Giri, Maoist's Hit Bahadur Tamang and RSVP's Dolprasad Aryal have taken oath as non-departmental ministers.

In the space of 14 months, the task of bringing Prime Minister Dahal to UML's share is understood to a large extent by the role of Congress among some leaders. Shortly after the formation of the government, Prime Minister Dahal was dissatisfied with Finance Minister Prakasharan Mahat. He repeatedly asked Congress president Sher Bahadur Deuba to change the finance minister. Dahal was irritated when Deuba refused. In this context, former finance minister and Congress spokesperson Prakasharan Mahat had a conversation with :

How did the situation of collapsing alliance arise? The Congress never troubled the Prime Minister about anything other than

ing, which could not be done. It could not have been easier than Congress to run the coalition. That too may not have reached the Prime Minister.

You stayed in the same cabinet, you had no idea that the coalition would change?

The leader who is thinking of changing the alliance walks and knows? It will appear at once after the necessary preparation is completed. It was thought that he should not do that once he had returned after forming an alliance with the UML. We were also receiving frequent calls from UML. But our party chairman did not do anything after joining a coalition. Otherwise, we could have formed an alliance with UML. However, they (Maoist leaders) are continuing. They may know where the compulsion came from.

The Maoists have raised questions about the Koshi case, the finance minister, the election of the National Assembly and some of the ideological aspects of the General Committee in the breakup of the alliance. What weaknesses do you think you have?

Even Krishna Prasad Sitaulaji did not get all the votes in the National Assembly elections. It does not mean that the party did not vote for the Maoist candidate deliberately trying to defeat him. Some went beyond the control of the party and crushed the vote. If we look at it that way, there is a complaint that no votes came from Maoists in the Tanahun by-election. There is also talk of open non-cooperation. Therefore, the Maoists were not dishonest. Sometimes there are exceptions. I don't think it happened only because of this.

Maoists are considering the finance minister's issue as a reason? What is reality?

I worked disciplined within the system. I was aware that resources should be used well and not misused. I should have been thanked for that. There was a lot of excitement about the International Investment Conference. Increasing investment by gathering trust, attracting the private sector, solving the problems of monetary policy, isn't that what we are supposed to do? In some systems, it was not possible to do things such as misuse of resources and distribution. The media has been raising the point that financial assistance should not be distributed. Giving to Congress does not mean not giving to Maoists.

It does not mean that the Ministry of Finance and the Minister of Finance did not cooperate with the Prime Minister. There is no disagreement other than that the rules and laws do not match for this reason. It was said that the government land of Lumbini was going to be leased for 99 years. I said it doesn't fit because of this. At that time, the Prime Minister also said that it was not compatible. The method was not arranged. There was also the matter of antiquity. What is the backing of giving to 99 years? Said that there is no resource. Therefore, let us send it in writing that first of all such works should come from the concerned ministry on a sufficient basis. I myself have sent that there is no basis to give consent after looking at this matter. On the one hand, we say that we have to go to power and do good governance, not make arbitrary decisions, how can it be a matter of non-cooperation when I put the matter of good governance and law and order? The size of the

budget has been consulted. Everything is done by advice. Some things didn't fit. The Prime Minister may have said it as he thought it would. However, it does not come in accordance with the law. The people's war wounded came up. The relevant ministry had to pick up the file and take it to the cabinet. How likely is it to help the injured after 20 years? He has helped them before. There is the matter of TRC again. It is said that you can do what you can agree on by talking rationally about these things. Those who cannot do it are said to be unable to do it. The days I stayed, I did well. I have saved the state of the economy when I came. Results do not appear like magic overnight.

Do you think that the reasons given by the Maoists for breaking the alliance are all excuses?

s are all excuses. Maybe, the Communist Party will be united, there will be an influence outside. The prime minister will get all five years, because of all these things. Lately, our party president was ready to change the minister. I said that if the Prime Minister is in trouble because of me, I will leave. What else could I have done?

I worked seriously, without any selfishness. He did not go to the finance minister to do any other business. What is said outside is not true. We have said clearly about the general committee. It made no sense. The Maoists especially needed an excuse to switch to another alliance. From the Koshi case to the General Committee meeting, we were determined not to give any reason. However, whether these things were done or not, the Maoists were mentally prepared to go into alliance with the UML. So the things he raised are just for show.

What is the hope of returning the alliance again?

We do not, nor do we expect, to return the alliance again. This road is now closed. How tomorrow's situation will be, that is a later matter. But let's meet here again, let's make an alliance here.

Now the decision to sit in the role of the opposition has been made?

is now sitting in the opposition. However, this alliance does not seem to last for long. It is a different matter if the parties are one.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन २२, २०८० १०:००
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