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US aid to Gaza by sea


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Aid material sent by the American charity "World Central Kitchen" reached the war-torn Gaza on Saturday. The organization informed through a statement that preparations are being made for the distribution of the 240 tons of food and other materials sent for aid to Gaza. The organization said that preparations are being made to transport another 240 tons of food by boat through Cyprus.

US aid to Gaza by sea

The organization said it is continuing to help reduce food shortages. This is expected to ease warnings of famine in Gaza. According to the organization, the shipment includes ready-to-eat foods such as beans, carrots, chickpeas, corn, rice, flour, ready-to-eat foods and oil and salt. The humanitarian aid group said it did not know when the second ship would arrive in Gaza.

The Israeli military confirmed the arrival of the first ship operated by the Spanish charity Open Arms on Friday. The army said soldiers were deployed to secure the area and monitor security. Since 2007, humanitarian aid has been delivered through sea routes controlled by Hamas. The military said it would not violate the years-long maritime blockade of Gaza. The organization said that a temporary port should be built in the southwest of Gaza City to deliver aid.

An unimaginable attack by the Palestinian militant group Hamas on October 7 in southern Israel resulted in the deaths of approximately 1,160 people. More than 31,000 people have been killed in the military operation launched by the Israeli army in Gaza in response to the Israeli attack.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ४, २०८० ०७:३७
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