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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५८

Why are 52 percent students ungraded?


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Along with the happiness that 222 thousand 472 students have passed the SEE results, the concern has started as to why and how 242 thousand 313 students were not graded. Even though the government has taken a decision to include the non-graded students in the re-chance examination, the question has arisen as to why this situation has happened and who is responsible for it.

Why are 52 percent students ungraded?

The National Examination Board implemented Letter Grading Guidelines-2078 for the first time this year. Is it because of this standard that such a large number of students were not graded? In this guide, students will not be graded if they do not get a minimum of 35 percent marks in each subject, including theoretical or written. However, before this, if students get 35 marks by adding the written and practical marks, they would get admission in the upper class. Even before this, students had to rely on practicals to pass. But for that, it was necessary to improve the education in the classroom, but the government chose the path of making children fail.

The time has come for the government to say on what basis the policy was brought eight years ago and why that policy has changed now. Also, it has to be debated whether this happened because of the 11 percent budget allocated from the budget for education, or because according to the survey conducted in 2075, this happened because the 56,000 teacher posts were insufficient.

This year, many students are weak in English, mathematics and science subjects. Among those who took the exam this year, 177,000 students in mathematics, 126,000 in science and 100,000 students in English were ungraded. The problem of poor results of students in mathematics, science and English has been a problem for years, but the government has not paid attention to improving teaching in those subjects and arranging subject teachers. In this way, the government has transferred its failure to the student's mark sheet.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १८:१२
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