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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

New party did not respect old political parties: Prime Minister Dahal


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Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that the new political parties have failed to respect the old political parties. Addressing the Sixth National Conference of Nepal Intellectuals Organization in Kathmandu on Friday, Prime Minister Dahal said that the new political parties are insulting the old parties by forgetting the fact that the political parties and parties in Nepal entered the era of democratic republic after decades of struggle and sacrifice.

New party did not respect old political parties: Prime Minister Dahal

He said that it is necessary for the new political parties to keep in mind that 'because of the old political party, I have come to this situation'.

Prime Minister Dahal insisted that he is working to address the problems within the political parties including Nepali Congress, CPN-UML. He said that even towards the end of his life, he was working harder than during the People's War.

Prime Minister Dahal's statement

'There is nothing in Nepal, nothing happens in Nepal, none of the party leaders of Nepal are good . Therefore, efforts are being made to stimulate the psychology or attitude that it is okay to go outside of Nepal. The truth is not that at all. The truth is just the opposite. After decades of struggle and sacrifices, political parties and parties in Nepal are the ones who made Nepal enter the era of democratic republic. And now some new new people, we are new, we are giving space to those big parties to sacrifice, austerity and sacrifice . To be honest, I don't mean to criticize newcomers. It is the responsibility of the newcomers to say that if the old parties had not done all this long struggle, prison, torture, and underground, it would have been possible to create a democratic republic and an environment for those new people to come. Absolutely not. It is shameful that they insulted the parents who gave birth to them in a place where they should respect the elders, appreciate that we have got the opportunity as a result of your sacrifices and sacrifices. Parents and elders should be respected. There is a tendency to insult him, I am saying this symbolically. Its essence is class-

प्रकाशित : असार ७, २०८१ १२:१६
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