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२९.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

One person was arrested on the charge of murdering a girl after rape

मनोज बडू

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Police have arrested a young man who raped and killed a girl in Purchoudi Municipality-4 of Baitadi. The young man was arrested by the police after the girl's relatives filed a complaint against the local 30-year-old man in the case of extortion and dutiful murder.

According to District Police Office Baitadi, the girl was raped and killed. The youth has been arrested on the charge. Baitadi Police Spokesperson Khemvikram Keshi said that the team of Police Inspector Saroj Kumar Thakurathi took control of the young man from Purchoudi on Monday after the deceased's father filed a complaint in the case of extortion and dutiful killing.

A girl from Purchoudi Municipality-4 Ratamata was found dead in the forest on 28th Chaitra. Three days after her disappearance, the police started an investigation after the girl was found dead in the forest. In the police investigation, it has been found that the girl became pregnant when the young man, who is related to the uncle, threatened and raped her repeatedly.

An 18-week pregnancy was found in the girl's stomach during the post-mortem conducted at the Dadeldhura hospital, the police said. Spokesperson Casey said that the investigation revealed that the girl was taken to the forest and killed after she refused to have an abortion. He said, 'Purchoudi Health She tried to have an abortion at the post. After the attempt failed, the investigation revealed that his uncle hit him on the head with a stone,' he said. The spokesperson said. According to the police, investigation is being conducted against the accused by the district court with an extension of 10 days is

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ४, २०८१ १५:२६
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