कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Gharti as President of UML Palpa

माधव अर्याल

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The 10th session of UML Palpa has elected Om Bahadur Gharti as the president unopposed. Gharti is the former secretary of the party and the former chairman of Tinau Rural Municipality. Chairman Gharti resides in Tinau Rural Municipality-1, Kachal Permanent Gharbhai Tansen Municipality-4.

Gharti as President of UML Palpa

Outgoing secretary Ramji Pokharel and Gharti were aspirants for the post of chairman. However, the officers and members have been finalized by consensus.

Bimal Kafle, the former coordinator of the House of Representatives Election Regional Coordination Committee Region No. 1, became unopposed as the vice-chairman of the committee. Outgoing secretary Bhojraj Pokharel (Ramji) was re-elected unopposed as secretary. As Deputy Secretary, outgoing Deputy Secretary Deepak Vishwakarma and Meena GC (Karki), who is also the president of Akhil Nepal Mahila Sangh, became unopposed.

UML Palpa has informed that a 150-member district committee has been selected covering two municipalities and eight rural villages in the district. Bimal Kafle and Deepak Vishwakarma were aspirants for

secretary. 450 delegates participated in the convention. Tribal tribes, Dalits, backward areas are also included in the district committee. 33 percent women and 15 percent youth have been made mandatory in the district committee.

UMA general secretary Shankar Pokharel inaugurated the session on Friday and passed the political, organizational and economic report presented by president Dhanendraraj Ghimire. A cell of the Communist Party was formed in Palpa in 2006.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १२, २०८१ २०:३५
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