कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

In Lumbini, it was agreed that UML would have 3, Congress and Maoists would have 2 each


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The party division in the chairmanship of the parliamentary committee of the Lumbini state assembly has ended. The date of the election has been set after the leadership of the committee, which is a mini-parliament, reconciled between the parties.

In Lumbini, it was agreed that UML would have 3, Congress and Maoists would have 2 each

After selecting the members of 7 committees and holding the meeting under the chairmanship of the senior member, the chairman of the parliamentary committee was not elected for 17 months.

It has been agreed between the parties that UML will get 3, Congress and Maoists will get 2 each as chairman of the committee. According to which, the Finance, Industry and Tourism Committee, the Physical Infrastructure Committee and the Special Rights Committee will be led by the UML.

Congress has got the Chairman of Public Accounts Committee and Agriculture Committee. Indrajit Tharu, the chief whip of the Maoists, said that the party agreed that the Maoists would get the leadership of the State Affairs and Law Committee and the Social Development Committee.

Parliamentary thematic committees investigate, monitor and warn about the activities of the government and can work even when the House is not in session. Lumbini Provincial Assembly Secretary Durlkumar Pun Magar has issued a notification that the election of 7 thematic committees will be held on Baisakh 5.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ३, २०८१ १९:११
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