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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Krishnasara's charm

In the year 2032, a conservation program was started here with 9 Krishnasars. Now it has increased to 187
मनोज पौडेल

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Looks very charming and fascinating – the rare wild animal Krishnasara. A beautiful physique is its characteristic. With its long pointed horns, white belly and dark colored top coat, the Krishnasara looks sharp and beautiful as well. This wildlife has now become a feature of Bardia. Tourists come here every year to see it.

Krishnasara's charm

Tourists who come to see wild animals in Bardiya Park reach Gulria, the headquarter, just to see Krishnasar. Being the headquarters of Bardia, those who frequent the park do not miss to observe this wildlife. Lately, Gularia Municipality has started promoting Krishnasar Conservation Area as a major tourist destination, and the number of tourists coming here has also increased.

Bardia's Gulria Municipality-2, Khairapur area can be enjoyed by watching its charming activities. Anyone who comes here is enthralled by Krishnasara's wanderings, affectionate love and delightful activities. Anyone can be charmed by its small voice. Conservationists say that Krishnasar will find it very difficult to come back to his herd if he enters the dense forest because of the slightest sound. The government has been protecting Krishnasar by declaring the Khairapur area as a conservation area.

Krishnasara is a wild mammal. According to wildlife experts, it likes to live in open and grassy areas along river banks. Experts claim that the Krishnasar's female gives birth to only one child at a time and its average lifespan is 12 years. A rooster is only a lion. A male Krishnasara grows a horn on its head when it reaches three years of age. The largest and most powerful male, the main male, stays with the female and the cubs throughout the year, but the other male Krishnas live in separate flocks. A herd consists of 20 to 30 Krishnasaras of different age groups. He has the ability to jump very hard and jump fast when he senses danger.

Krishnasara's diet is grass, mud, bamboo and bamboo. The maw hides in the tall grass for about a month until the baby feeds on its own. At that time, the risk of being eaten by foxes, dogs, cats, leopards and hounds is high, according to wildlife expert Dr. Hemsagar Baral said. In Hinduism, it is considered as a friend of Lord Krishna. It likes to live in open grasslands and forests near human settlements.

A conservation program was started here in 2032 with 9 Krishnasaras. Now it has increased to 187. There are 34 males, 120 females and 33 children. "Krishnasar is counted here on a daily basis," said Surya Khadka, chief conservation officer of the Krishnasar conservation area, "This is being done because of poaching and loss." He said that you can enjoy watching their lovely movement from here.

The government has declared Khairapur as Krishnasar conservation area on 3rd Chait 2065. In Khairapur of Bardia, the work of Krishnasar conservation area started from 2032. 1,695 hectares of land here has been kept as a Krishnasar conservation area.

A brand that attracts tourists

Ramesh Thapa

Former Chief Conservation Officer, Bardia National Park

It has not been long since the tourism sector started picking up pace in Bardia, a blend of nature and culture. At one time there was a mentality that tourists are only foreigners. Nowadays, there has been a change in the perception of tourists among the general public. In the past, tourism centered around the Bardia National Park headquarters has now become district-wide. Along with this, the district's tourism has diversified and the areas of choice for tourists have also expanded.

Tourism business in Bardiya was officially started by Tiger Tops Karnali Lodge located in Thakurdwara next to the National Park. Tiger Tops Karnali Lodge was established in 1988 by Sabik Thakur at the Chitkaiya of Gavis at the request of the Government of Nepal when the tourist activity in the rugged western Nepal is almost zero.

After setting up a comfortable lodge outside the park, Tiger Tops has worked to inform the general public and conservationists about safari tourism. For many years, Tiger Tops operated a tent camp near Lalmati within the park in an agreement with the Nepalese government. When foreigners began to pay attention to the camp on the banks of the Karnali river, it became the main choice. Along with the establishment of the

hotel, Tiger Tops, which has also started tourism services such as elephant safari, jungle drive, and water rides, was also provided a separate entrance to enter and exit the park from the Karnali Lodge at Chitkaiya. The lodge, which is the global 'branding' of Bardia Park, is still in operation.

In the beginning, on the advice of the then chief conservation officer of Bardia Park, Rampreet Yadav, a local Khadka Bahadur Khadka 'Premi' operated a hotel named 'Bardia Jungle Cottage' in his own house.

Now more than two dozen hotels are operating in Thakurdwara for tourist services. Many hotels are being built outside Thakur too. Homestays have been established and operational in various places. Currently, the number of foreign tourists visiting Bardia National Park is around 7,000 and the number of domestic tourists is around 15,000. Most of the foreign tourists who come to Bardia are interested in watching wild animals and birds including tigers, elephants, rhinos.

Since elephant safaris are closed, most tourists go on jeep safaris and treks to observe the wildlife. Although the Babai Valley within the park is very attractive for its wildlife and picturesque natural scenery, most of the tourist activities take place in the Karnali/Geruwa riparian area.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ११, २०८० १०:५१
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