२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९८

One person was arrested on the charge of murdering his uncle


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Chitwan police has arrested one person on the charge of beating his uncle to death. The arrested person is 23-year-old Lok Bahadur Chepang of Ichchakamana Rural Municipality-1, Hattibang Kaule Jandala. According to the police, 42-year-old Chandra Bahadur Chepang, who is related to Lok Bahadur, died due to the beating of Lok Bahadur.

According to the spokesperson of Chitwan District Police Office, DSP Shriram Bhandari, both uncle and nephew had consumed homemade liquor on Monday evening. Then there was a fight and a beating. The injured Chandra Bahadur was brought home by his wife.

DSP Bhandari said that Chandra Bahadur died at 9 pm on the same day. The police took Lok Bahadur into custody on Tuesday. DSP Bhandari informed that the Chitwan District Court extended the deadline for investigation on Wednesday.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २८, २०८० १७:४५
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