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२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Motorcycle accident in Khairhani, Chitwan, one person died

रमेशकुमार पौडेल

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One person died in a motorcycle accident in Chitwan Khairhani on Friday morning. Chitwan District Police Office has informed that the deceased is 34-year-old Dilip Chaudhary of Khairhani Municipality Ward No. 10.

Motorcycle accident in Khairhani, Chitwan, one person died

The motorcycle numbered 45 P 7798 that he drove from Surtana Khairhani-10 fell on the road while going to Kathar.

Chaudhary's leg was torn when the motorcycle overturned. Locals informed the police about the accident. Chitwan District Police Office spokesperson DSP Shriram Bhandari said that the team of Khairhani area police office went and understood about the incident. He informed that the cause of the accident is being investigated.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ११, २०८० ०८:०८
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