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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५३

Explanation given by Mirchaiya Health Nursing Campus

विनय आजाद

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Mirchaiya Health Nursing Campus located at Mirchaiya in Siraha has given an explanation to CTEVT. The campus gave an explanation on Sunday. CTEVT asked the campus for an explanation on Thursday after Kantipur revealed that the campus was illegally collecting money from the students under various pretexts.

Explanation given by Mirchaiya Health Nursing Campus

CTEVT's Madhesh state office, Janakpurdham, asked the campus to respond within three days in this regard. According to CTEVT, the clarification came on Sunday evening and now it will be 'verified'.

'The campus has given an explanation, naturally he has to defend himself,' Nagendra Sah, head of CTEVT's Madhesh province, told Kantipur, 'but now we will verify.'

According to him, CTEVT's team will come to the site and monitor based on the evidence in the news and prepare a report in 8-10 days and send it to the central office of CTEVT. Based on that, CTEVT will take further steps, he said. 'We submit the report, then the center takes action based on it,' he said, 'the state has no right to take action.' There are 78 students in the first and second year of three-year nursing at

campus. Kantipur TV and Kantipur exposed the incident of the campus arbitrarily charging millions of money from them in the name of class fees, hostels and experimental exercises.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १८:४८
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