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२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १६०

The co-workers of Birganj did not take Kota manure

शंकर आचार्य

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Since the planting season has started, cooperatives of most of the wards of Birgunj metropolis have not taken the quota of fertilizer from the agricultural material company Birgunj. Durga Prasad Pandey, head of the provincial office of the company, Birganj, complained that when the stock was sufficient, the cooperatives of the metropolis did not show interest in taking their quota of fertilizer.

The co-workers of Birganj did not take Kota manure

'There is a negative rumor in the market that the company and salt trading did not give fertilizer,' he said, 'but cooperatives of different wards of the metropolis have not shown interest in not one but 3 lots.' , the cooperatives of 21, 26, 27, 31 and 32 have not yet started the process of taking DAP, potash and urea fertilizers. These wards are rural settlements of the metropolis. In each ward, 1/2 of the cooperatives that take responsibility for fertilizer distribution are active.

The office of Birgunj Metropolitan Corporation has already fixed the quota of DAP twice, once of potash and once of urea. ''After the arrival of fertilizer from India and third countries, the local level cooperatives are assigned quotas in each consignment, in the case of Birgunj, the municipal office of the municipal corporation assigns the cooperatives of the subordinate wards. He said, "Even though the quota for 4 consignments of fertilizer has been determined, the cooperatives have not shown interest in adding fertilizer." Pandey said.

During this period, Aditya Birla Group, which got the fertilizer supply contract from the global tender, has brought 20,000 tons of DAP, India's Indian Potash Limited has brought 25,000 tons of DAP, Sun Group has brought 30,000 tons of urea and IPL has brought 10,000 tons of potash fertilizer.

After entering the mall, there is a procedure to determine the quota of cooperatives in each consignment. IPL's next consignment of 30,000 tons of urea is about to enter. Pandey says that the first rail rack carrying urea arrived at Raxaul railway station on Monday.

Similarly, 25,000 tons of DAP purchased by Nepal from India through the Jitoez process is ready to come to Nepal from Kolkata port, he said. Apart from this, Pandey said that IPL is going to bring another 25,000 tons of DAP fertilizer from another consignment and it is currently on the sea route.

He said that the new quota will be determined again as soon as the fertilizer of this consignment is received. Pandey informed that the company currently has 9,172 tons of urea, 2,168 tons of DAP and 2,600 tons of potash in Madhesh province. Pandey also claimed that there will be no shortage of fertilizer in the current year's paddy crop season as DAP and urea are in the process of being added.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ २२:३९
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