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२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५९

The President has not called the ministers collectively for Balkot: Minister Giri


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Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Padam Giri has said that UML President KP Sharma Oli did not collectively call his residence Balkot to the ministers participating in the government.

The President has not called the ministers collectively for Balkot: Minister Giri

After the meeting of the Council of Ministers, Minister Giri said that President Oli did not invite the leaders who participated in the government from UML to Balkot. "The president has not called the ministers from our party to his residence in Balkot," he said.

Meanwhile, the secretariat of President KP Sharma Oli has also said that the ministers participating in the government have not been invited to Balkot. President Oli's secretariat has written on social media, "President KP Sharma Oli has called the ministers participating in the government for a discussion in the evening. But the news that President Oli has called the ministers for discussion is not true.'

Amidst the talk of UML and Congress forming a government together, President Oli called the ministers to Balkot.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १८:३६
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