कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७१

The topic of change of government is general: Nidhi


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Nepali Congress leader Bimalendra Nidhi has said that the issue of government change should be taken as normal. Speaking on the occasion of the 101st birth anniversary of Girija Prasad Koirala held at the capital Inaruwa on Sunday, leader Nidhi said that the change of government should be taken for granted when no one has a clear majority.

The topic of change of government is general: Nidhi

Only on Saturday, the leader of the main opposition party and Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba reached Balkot in Bhaktapur to meet CPN-UML President Oli.

This statement of Nidhi has been seen meaningfully when it is not clear what topic Oli discussed with Deuba. Leader Nidhi said that the change of government should be taken as normal, but he did not say anything about the possibility of forming a government together with Congress and UML.

Nidhi said that in order to get Nepali Congress a majority in the upcoming elections, everyone should move forward unitedly. He said that the Congress will now focus on the 2084 elections. He said that there have been factions in the Congress since its inception and now it is necessary to reduce factions and strengthen the organization by being in the opposition.

Nidhi said that the then party president of Nepali Congress Girija Prasad Koirala played a big role in establishing the republic and peace process in the country. To maintain peace and stability in the country by bringing the Maoist movement into the peace process. Nidhi said that Girija Prasad Koirala had a decisive role. In the

program, Congress president Kedar Bhandari, central members of Nepali Congress Rajiv Koirala, Sitaram Meheta and others gave their views.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १८:४७
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