कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७१

Crowd of people at Sinha Durbar Gate after announcement of mandatory National Identity Card


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After the government announced that citizens should get national identity cards compulsorily in order to enjoy all kinds of services from public bodies, people have started to gather at the main gate of Singha Darbar. In the first phase, the government has already decided to make national identity cards mandatory in 28 districts of the country from next July to get benefits from social security, pension and health insurance.

Crowd of people at Sinha Durbar Gate after announcement of mandatory National Identity Card

Arrangements have been made to take photos for identity cards in Narayanhiti Darbar, National Assembly House and Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur district administration offices in the capital.

In the premises of the National Identity Card and Registration Department inside the Singha Darbar, arrangements have been made to take photos and biometrics for the employees of civil and security agencies and special persons for identity cards. Also, people who have lost their identity card number even after taking a photo and have forgotten the message on their mobile phone are now coming to get the printed identity card card.

The place where the photo was taken for the identity card, you have to go to the same place to get the card . Citizens who have taken photos and taken biometrics in the premises of the department are gathering at the gate to enter the Singha Durbar. Arrangements have been made for security agencies and their family members to take photos at the registration department.

According to one of the security authorities of the main gate, the information that the identity card must be taken has been crowded on the day the office is open . The government has decided to make national identity cards mandatory for social security allowances, pensions and insurance from July 1. By publishing a notice in the gazette on the 10th of last year, the government said that it would be implemented in 28 districts in the first phase.

In the second phase, the government is preparing to implement it in 38 districts on January 1 and in the third phase from July 082 to 11 districts. The cabinet meeting on May 24 decided to implement identity cards in 77 districts. Identity Card Yuvraj Katel, director general of the department, claimed that the management has been arranged so that citizens can easily take photos and give biometrics as far as possible.

According to the notification published in the gazette In the case of children, those who cannot take care of themselves, disabled, helpless or senior citizens over 90 years of age, they will be able to get services even without taking an identity card. The government has gradually made identity cards mandatory for revenue-related personal income tax registration, vehicle driver's license and company registration and renewal from next July.

Banking and financial services, telephone and sim card, social security fund and real estate buying and selling, it has been decided to make identity cards mandatory from January 1.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १८:२५
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