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२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

The party leadership is selected to give a new left option: General Secretary Bhusal


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CPN (United Socialist Party) General Secretary Ghanshyam Bhusal has said that the leadership of the party will be selected to give a new left option.

The party leadership is selected to give a new left option: General Secretary Bhusal

Addressing a press conference in Kathmandu on Saturday, he said that they will bring the program keeping in mind the issues that need to be resolved. He promised to bring and establish a socialist program and build leadership by giving the left alternative in the country.

'With detailed discussions, I am saying again in terms of that resolution. In the future, we will solve all the problems that we have to solve, carry the socialist program, establish and give a left option in the country, as soon as possible . Yesterday there was a left option, an extraordinary left option, it was broken, it is broken, we will unite our leadership and choose our leadership so that we can also connect it and fulfill that obligation of history,' said General Secretary Bhusal.

General Secretary Bhusal said that the document passed by the party convention will guide the communist movement for decades.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ १४:२६
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