कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६५

Tenth National Congress of United Socialists from Sunday


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Preparations for the upcoming 10th National Congress of CPN (Unified Socialist) have been completed. Political report, socialist program, legislative and organizational report will be discussed in the convention which will be held at Pragya Pratishthan Kamaladi from June 16 to 20.

Tenth National Congress of United Socialists from Sunday

About the convention In a press conference held on Saturday to give information, President of United Samajwadi and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal informed that the necessary documents to be presented in the upcoming convention have been prepared. He expressed his belief that those documents would be new in the history of the Communist Party and important for people's rights.

At the press conference, respected leader Jhalnath Khanal informed that the leadership will be selected based on the ideological approach and program passed by the convention. He said that if there is no agreement in the leadership, the process should be carried forward through the democratic method. One thousand eight hundred and forty-nine delegates will participate in the convention. Those representatives will select 299 member working committee and 21 office bearers. Party President Nepal is scheduled to inaugurate the convention on Sunday.

The convention core management committee formed under the leadership of party president Nepal has said that all necessary tasks of the convention have reached the final stage. It is said that representatives from outside the Kathmandu Valley have arrived.

Accommodation has been arranged for them around the convention venue, while food has been arranged for the delegates inside the convention venue. The conference venue has been decorated to make it attractive.

The party, which was formed about three years ago, has claimed the upcoming convention as the tenth national convention. The United Socialist Party has taken ownership of the nine conventions that have been completed so far and has considered the current national convention as the tenth.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ १८:०७
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