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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६५

Reduction of 24 posts in federal ministries, addition of Internal Management Division


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24 posts have been cut in the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, including two deputy secretaries. The meeting of the Council of Ministers on Monday decided to make some changes in the Organization Management and Survey (O&M) proposed by the Ministry to reduce staff, add new divisions and branches.

Reduction of 24 posts in federal ministries, addition of Internal Management Division

Even though the government brought the policy of conducting O&M of all ministries and agencies until last November, it has not been implemented. The federal ministry has done its own O&M and got it passed by the cabinet.

Ministry posts have been reduced from 172 to 148 . Deputy Secretary 2, Branch Officer 7, Naiv Subba 3, Purchaser 6 and Tapai Nasu 2, Computer Operator 2 and Office Assistant 3 posts have been reduced . A technical post of one officer has been added in the Information Technology Branch . He will work as a computer director .

According to the decision of the Council of Ministers, the Administration Division of the Federal Ministry led by the Joint Secretary has been divided and the Internal Management Division has been added.

The joint secretary will also lead the internal management. The Administration Division will now only transfer and promote employees. Technical posts have been created by reducing the posts of administration services in the information technology branch.

The Information Technology Branch is placed under the Internal Management Division . Staff Adjustment and Organization Development Division has been abolished. One department was abolished and another was added. Now the work related to the adjustment will be looked at by the Internal Management Division.

Although the staff adjustment work was completed in March 2076, new problems are being created. The permanent management of the adjusted employees has not been done yet. According to Suman Dahal, head of the federal affairs division of the ministry and joint secretary, the ministry has decided to establish a good governance promotion branch.

The governance division will look into the local level complaints from various agencies including the authority. The ministry has said that complaints at the local level are increasing and the branch is also necessary to study the matter.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ १७:५६
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