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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

Prime Minister Dahal says: Fertilizers are provided for farmers


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Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that farmers will not be allowed to lack fertilizer. Prime Minister Dahal, on the occasion of the 21st National Paddy Day and Planting Festival, in a program held at Bachhuli in Ratnanagar, Chitwan on Saturday, asserted that last year too, there was not much need for fertilizers and said that this year too, there will be necessary provision of fertilizers.

Prime Minister Dahal says: Fertilizers are provided for farmers

Mentioning that when there is a problem in the distribution system, it seems like there is a shortage of fertilizer, so that such a problem will not occur now. He says .

'After a lot of hard work, now the stool is coming . But even after the arrival of that fertilizer, I have also heard complaints that the distribution system was not organized. If the distribution system is to be organized, there was not much loss of fertilizer last year. Mal Necessary quantity has been arranged . And this year too, there is an arrangement of manure . If this is also an element, the development of proper seeding is equally important, he said.

Prime Minister Dahal also said that the government has paid special attention to preventing the lack of irrigation for agriculture.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ १४:३१
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