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२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

If leadership cannot be built through consensus, then through elections: Leader Khanal


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Respected leader of CPN (Unified Socialist) Jhalnath Khanal has said that the leadership will be selected unanimously from the convention. During the press conference held in Kathmandu on Saturday, he expressed his belief that the unanimous leadership will move the entire socialism in the right direction.

If leadership cannot be built through consensus, then through elections: Leader Khanal

He said that there is no big problem between the leaders. He said that the debate between the leaders of the Communist Party is not a big deal.

"Let's build the leadership that we have created from the coming convention so that it is unanimous." That unanimous leadership moves the entire socialism in the right direction . There is no such big problem anywhere among us leaders . We argue sometimes. A debate between Communist Party leaders is not a big deal . We draw our conclusions by synthesizing extensive documents from within this convention. Now nothing happened, even if we do nothing, we can't get along, after we can't get along, should we take the path of democracy or not? We will build leadership through democratic methods, he said.

Respected leader Khanal said that the party will move forward by balancing ideas and management. He said that the policy of CPN (Unified Socialist) will be built under the leadership of CPN (Unified Socialist).

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ १४:२२
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