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Fake Bhutanese refugee case: Accused Bechan Jha arrested


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Bechan Jha, the accused in the fake Bhutanese refugee case, has been arrested. A team of the Special Bureau of Nepal Police arrested Jha last night. According to a high police source, he was taken from Nepal-India border area.

Fake Bhutanese refugee case: Accused Bechan Jha arrested

Jha has been handed over to the Kathmandu Police Complex for investigation. It is alleged that Jha played a middleman role in the crime of making fake Bhutanese refugees and taking them to America. The police claim that he became a middleman after receiving Rs 2 crore from the gang.

But in Chait 2079, Jha was absconding when the accused in the refugee case started to be arrested. In this case last year, former Deputy Prime Minister Top Bahadur Rayamazhi, former Home Minister Balkrishna Khan, incumbent Secretary Teknarayan Pandey, then Home Minister Ram Bahadur Thapa's security adviser Indrajit Rai, Bhutanese rights leader Teknath Rizal, former MP Angtawa Sherpa, middlemen Keshav Dulal, Sanu Bhandari, Sandesh Sharma and 30 others were charged with crimes against the state. The District Public Prosecutor's Office, Kathmandu prosecuted the case in court for 4 offences.

One of the defendants, Prateek Thapa, son of former Home Minister Thapa, was arrested from Kapan in Kathmandu on Friday afternoon. Soon after, the police also arrested another absconding accused Jha . Jha is said to have reached India after absconding. He was on the police radar for some time.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ १३:५०
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