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२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

Demand to formulate and implement the Public Library Act at the provincial and local levels as well


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Stakeholders have demanded that the Public Library Act be formulated and implemented at the provincial and local levels as well. The Bagmati Provincial Conference of Public and Community Libraries held in Kathmandu on Thursday and Friday with the support of the Ministry of Education and the organization of Nepal Community Library Association has demanded the formulation and implementation of the Public Library Act.

Demand to formulate and implement the Public Library Act at the provincial and local levels as well

The conference will create a common network of public and community libraries operating under Bagmati Province, share information and regularly collaborate between libraries, celebrate the Library Day every year from the center to the local level in a grand manner, on the need, establishment, operation and well-management of public and community libraries. It has been decided to request all stakeholders to cooperate.

has also committed to coordinate and cooperate with all stakeholders in the social sector for the development of reading culture and life-useful education.

Similarly, in the Ministry of Public and Community Libraries of the province, at least the equivalent of an official of the library science group and the mandatory provision of employees of the first grade or equivalent in the gazette at the local level, in addition to at least class 12 or equivalent in library and information science for the smooth running of public and community libraries. Mandatory provision of one employee who has acquired educational qualification There is a summary of the conference to demand with every local level. The

conference demanded the implementation of the provisions related to public libraries in the National Education Policy, 2076 and demanded that the Public Library Act be drafted and implemented at the federal, state and local levels.

Demanding the inclusion of public and community libraries in the policies and programs formulated by the provincial government and the local level, the motto of the library for generations, the conference called for the establishment of public and community libraries with facilities at all local levels in Bagmati province and toured the wards of the municipality with access to transport networks. It has demanded to run the library service. In the opening session of the

conference, Padam Giri, Minister of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, said that although it has been 213 years since the law to formally establish a library in Nepal, there is a lack of law for the operation, management and facilitation of any kind of library, he said that he would facilitate it. ; In the closed session of the

conference, representatives of more than three dozen libraries of Bagmati Province discussed the introduction of their respective libraries, the work they have done so far and the problems and challenges they have faced. In the

conference, provincial coordinators and representative libraries of Gandaki, Lumwini, Karnali and Sudurpaschim provinces were also present. In the conference, librarian Indira Dali spoke about the role of children's libraries in developing reading habits and Prof. Dr. Dhruv Kumar Ghimire presented a work paper regarding the selection of literature according to the age of the children. The

conference was chaired by Sujata Bista, the 7-member Nepal Community Library Association, Bagmati Province Working Committee and Kathmandu Valley Public Library President Prof. Dr. A 7-member advisory committee has been formed under the chairmanship of Gobind Prasad Pokharel.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ १३:५३
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