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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

A man who was released from prison for eight years in the rhinoceros case was arrested again while selling 'Khag'

Chitwan Park filed a case against nine people

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A man who was arrested for shooting and injuring a rare wild animal, a one-horned rhinoceros, has been released after spending eight years in prison, has been arrested again for allegedly trying to sell goods that look like rhinoceros. On 28th Baisakh, the park team recovered an object resembling a beaver from 40-year-old Pankaj Kumal, also known as Sant Bahadur, of Bharatpur Metropolitan City-28 Meghauli.

A man who was released from prison for eight years in the rhinoceros case was arrested again while selling 'Khag'

Conservation officer Ganesh Prasad Tiwari, who is the Information Officer of Chitwan National Park, said that Pankaj was sentenced to eight years in prison and a fine of Rs 50,000 in the case of shooting and injuring a rhino earlier. Tiwari informed that after completing the sentence, he was released after 75 years. The police arrested nine people along with Pankaj and filed a case in the Chitwan District Court on Sunday, June 9. Tiwari said that during the

investigation, it was revealed that they were caught while making fake Khag and taking it for sale. Therefore, Tiwari says that a case has been filed against them in the industry under the offense of buying and selling sugarcane. He said that there is a legal provision that half of the punishment for the main offense is imposed on those who commit such crimes. In rhinoceros cases, there is a maximum penalty of 10 lakh rupees or imprisonment for 15 years or both.

Nikunj along with Pankaj, 33-year-old Balkumar Rai of Chitwan Rapti Municipality-3 Sundarvasti, 35-year-old Dev Bahadur Pariyar of Navalparasi Bardghat Napa-8 Bhanunagar, 38-year-old Dhan Bahadur Baniyan of Rupandehi Butwal Sub-Metropolitan City-7 Kalika Tol and 51-year-old Krishna Raj Chhetri of Butbal-11 Anandpath and Baglung. 38-year-old Nagendra Thapa of Jaimani-10 Rangkhani.

Similarly, 28-year-old Kamal Rana of Jaimni-7, 36-year-old Khadka Bahadur Thapa of Jaimni-9 and Syangja Nirkot, 47-year-old Kul Bahadur Budhathoki, who is currently living in Butbal-4, have also been arrested and filed a case by the park team. Information Officer Tiwari said that while monitoring some people who were doing suspicious activities in Bharatpur Metropolitan City-9, they found a person carrying goods in a black bag in Bharatpur-23 and while searching for food, an object that looked like a beaver was recovered.

प्रकाशित : असार १०, २०८१ १४:५४
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