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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Police is losing credibility: MP Paudel


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Nepali Congress MP Pradeep Paudel has said that Nepal Police is losing credibility. In Tuesday's meeting of the House of Representatives, MP Paudel said that Nepal Police is losing credibility.

Police is losing credibility: MP Paudel

Stating that the leadership of the Ministry of Home Affairs has created a situation where nothing can be done, MP Paudel said that the Ministry of Home Affairs has not been able to present clarity regarding maintaining good governance from public land. He also said that the budget allocation for the next financial year does not follow financial discipline.

MP Paudel also said that the current system is being criticized because of the previous government and ministers. Especially because of the minister and the government, our system and federalism are being criticized the most. Making one point in the narrative, seeming to be extremely committed to federalism . In Karani, it is exactly the opposite. Due to the previous government, due to the characters sitting in the council of ministers, the good governance has been disturbed . There is a situation where questions have been raised about federalism and order. "Nobody is ready to do the corrections," MP Paudel said, "How the plan was selected and on what basis the budget was allocated is a serious question." The police is losing credibility in the Ministry of Home Affairs . It has become a situation where the leadership keeps saying nothing. The current expenditure of the Ministry of Home Affairs has also increased by 1 billion 10 million. In terms of maintaining good governance from public land, the Ministry of Home Affairs has not presented the clarity it needs.

MP Paudel said that he has serious questions about the plan selection and budget allocation.

प्रकाशित : असार ४, २०८१ १५:२८
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