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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Lingden tore the allocation book of the Physical Ministry in the rostrum of the Parliament


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Rashtriya Prajatantra Party Chairman Rajendra Lingden tore the allocation booklet of the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport for the next financial year in the rostrum of the House of Representatives. He tore up the booklet saying that there was injustice in the budget allocation of the ministry.

Lingden tore the allocation book of the Physical Ministry in the rostrum of the Parliament

In Tuesday's meeting of the House of Representatives, Lingden tore up the booklet while proposing to cut the expenditure of the Ministry of Material.

'Since the day when this booklet of the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport came into my hands, I have been so excited that I want to tear it up (tearing up the allocation booklet) but, as it is against parliamentary dignity, I will not tear it up and keep it here (torn booklet). Left on the rostrum),' said Lingden, 'It's not just a matter of my mind . Now, if there is something that can be measured, it is the mind of all the members of the House of Representatives, except for the four constituencies, regardless of the party sitting in this hall.'

Lingden objected saying that the allocation of the budget was done arbitrarily. How long will the honorable members tolerate this kind of abuse of state resources without any shame? He said, 'They see this.' Don't even care that it is something that can be read and seen?'

Lingden said that the plan was kept without even naming the district in the budget booklet . He said that there is no proportional budget allocation.

प्रकाशित : असार ४, २०८१ १३:०६
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