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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २५०

Correspondence to arrange meals for workers going for foreign employment in air tickets


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The Department of Foreign Employment has asked for proper management of air fares and facilities for Nepali workers going for foreign employment.

Correspondence to arrange meals for workers going for foreign employment in air tickets

Department of Nepal Civil Aviation Authority, Foreign Employment Business Federation and Nepal By writing to the Association of Tour and Travel, it has been requested to properly manage the air fare and facilities of Nepali workers going for foreign employment. The

department sent a letter on Wednesday and told them to manage the reasonable price so that food and water will be included in the air ticket itself. In Malaysia and Middle East countries, workers have to travel for an average of four hours for foreign employment. You have to enter the airport three hours before the flight time.

Director General of the Department, Dunduraj Ghimir, said that when complaints started coming in that the workers were not getting even the minimum amount of food, snacks and water even during the hour-long journey, the department contacted the relevant agencies and discussed it.

``Budget airlines, but paying high prices and not getting minimum food, snacks and water, the workers have to travel hungry. Many such complaints were heard. Therefore, we called everyone and discussed it," he said, "the decision of the discussion was also communicated to the relevant agencies and the ship's We have requested to specify such facilities in tickets and tickets.'

In the same way, the department also alerted the businessmen to do the work that is within their jurisdiction, saying that there have been complaints that the manpower businessmen themselves have started sending them to work on individual labor permits.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ १६:०२
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