कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६३

'Legal obstacles related to management of new media platforms should be removed'


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Stakeholders have said that media should use new media platforms to make an effective presence among readers and remove legal obstacles related to the management of such platforms.

'Legal obstacles related to management of new media platforms should be removed'

They have also emphasized that the social networks used by the media and the news transmitted through them should conform to the values ​​of journalism.

Press Council Nepal and Sancharika Group organized in Kathmandu on Sunday in the interaction and panel discussion on numedia and female journalists (impact of social media including YouTube on journalism) and said that journalists should adapt themselves to the current technology. Balkrishna Basnet, chairman of the

council, said that the legal hurdles for the management of new media, including YouTube, should be removed immediately, and the council is ready for that. If the law cannot be brought now, let's change some sections of the Press Council and manage it, we are capable and ready for that. "The state should not delay in making policies and bringing laws," he said.

Basnet said that the council is the first regulatory body for those who do journalism on any platform that operates as a media. Speaking at the

program, journalist Babita Basnet said that there is a need to conduct a survey about the credibility and general perception of the media in Nepal.

Journalist Nirmala Sharma said that the New Media has created an environment where anyone who did not get a place in the media in the past to put their content or even their thoughts and problems into the media is now becoming a media operator themselves.

Journalist Akhand Bhandari said that the new media has shown the way and saved traditional media journalism. He clarified that there is a challenge in print journalism due to not being able to move forward with the new media and mentioned that the print media should be able to use the new media as an opportunity to communicate their content. In the program, the former president of the Communication Group, Neetu Pandit, presented a working paper on 'New Media and Women Journalists'. In the

panel discussion, Council President Basnet, Chief Editor of Annapurna Post Daily Akhand Bhandari, Editor of Nari Masik Upasana Ghimire, Former Vice President of Nepal Journalist Federation Anita Bindu discussed.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १९:२३
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