कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२९.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

Launch of Naresh Rai's book 'Pani Patiya'


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Author Kangmang Naresh Rai's book 'Pani Patiya', a historical and perceptive essay on Gorkha recruitment, was launched at Mandala Theater on Sunday.

Launch of Naresh Rai's book 'Pani Patiya'

Mundhum scholar Bhogiraj Chamling, politician Manushi Yami Bhattarai and critic Gurung Sushant released the book. Chamling said that the book is about the history of Gurkha recruitment and the sufferings of the recruits.

Bhattarai said that the history of Gurkha recruitment and the situation in which they have to organize now are also included in the book. We are proud to be brave Nepalis. That comment was made because of the Gurkhas. This book has exposed the pain hidden behind heroic Nepali commentary,' she said.

Sushant said that the book was written from the point of view of 'painful writing'. 'In the case of social justice, it is said that those who suffer write or those who see write. Writes from first impressions. Second comes research and facts,' he said, 'He himself has endured the injustice done to the Gorkhas. So it is written from the first point of view.' The

book is brought to the market by Phoenix Books.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ११, २०८१ १३:२१
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