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Karmayogi Badri Pahari Social Service Award to Abhiyanta Pariyar


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Karmayogi Badri Pahari Social Service Award of the year 2080 was presented to social activist Bishnumaya Pariyar on Saturday. The prize money is 1 lakh 10 thousand rupees.

Karmayogi Badri Pahari Social Service Award to Abhiyanta Pariyar

Sushila Karki, the first woman Chief Justice of Nepal, who was the chief guest at the event, honored Pariyar, who has contributed significantly in the field of social justice, on behalf of the organizer Human Rights and Peace Society. The award was established in the name of Badri Pahari, the father of Krishna Pahari, a civil society leader who has been working in the field of human rights and social justice since 2076.

The project is giving the award to warriors who have made special contributions to the movement of social justice under human rights. After handing over the award, former Chief Justice Karki said that Pariyar has succeeded in becoming the person he is today by flying from a backward place. She said that it is a matter of pride for Nepal that the daughter of a Dalit living in a remote mountain became famous in the country and abroad.

Pariyar, who was born in Gorkha district, reached America through Kathmandu and is also pursuing her social campaign along with getting higher education. After receiving the award, Pariyar became emotional and said that even though she has received more than 50 awards internationally, this award is the most special yet.

She said that while receiving the award in the name of Krishna Pahari's father, she also wanted to offer it in the name of her late father Rup Bahadur Pariyar. She said that she came to her current state through her father's inspiration and upbringing.

Pariyar mentioned that when you walk with a goal, there will be challenges along the way, but you can overcome them in the end. Pariyar also expressed her commitment to fight for equality and justice.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ८, २०८१ १९:१९
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