कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Basnetlai Himdamru title


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Literary Journalists Association has honored Balkrishna Basnet, President of Nepal Press Council Nepal, with Himdamru title on Thursday. The association honored Basnet for her contribution in the field of journalism to protect the mountains and the environment and raise awareness about the effects of climate change.

Basnetlai Himdamru title

Writer Rochak Ghimire, artist Madandas Shrestha, Mount Everest climber Tembachiri Sherpa along with honored President Basnet with dosalla, garland and certificate.

Respected Basnet had said that journalism should focus on that as the earth can be saved only if the mountains and the environment are preserved . Everest climber Tembachiri Sherpa mentioned Basnet's study and interest in the Himalayan region and shared his experience of working together. President of

association Radheshyam Lekali, artist Shrestha, writers Ghimire, Pramod Pradhan, Shriom Shrestha, Thakur Belwase, Narendra Shrestha, Bimal Bhaukaji and others said that it is necessary to take more initiatives to protect the environment from the field of literature and journalism.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २९, २०८० २२:२६
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