कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

Selection of new working committee of 'FanCan' under the leadership of Manandhar


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Surendra Manandhar has been re-elected as the President of Nepal Food, Ayurvedic, Nutraceuticals and Cosmaceuticals Association (FANCAN). The convention of the association has Shambhu Yadav as senior vice president, Bhim Bista as vice president, Dipeshjung Shah, Gaurav Shrestha as general secretary, Gaurav Barma as secretary, Gopal Bahadur Jisi, Pradeep Mahato as treasurer, Ramdin Teli as co-treasurer and members Prateek Shahi, Birendra Patel, Vindeshwar Prasad Pandey, Vinayakraj Pandey, Bhuvan Prasad Joshi and Suvarna Pokharel has been selected.

Selection of new working committee of 'FanCan' under the leadership of Manandhar

It is said that the chairman will nominate the remaining two members. Former Minister and MP Pradip Yadav He said that he will leave no stone unturned to end the necessary legal complications for the organization. In the

program, Matina Joshi Baidya, Director General of Food and Quality Control Department, said that she is ready to provide necessary positive support to this organization from her level.

In the closing session of the convention, there was also a serious talk about the complications created by the drug administration department in the context of cosmeceuticals. Dipeshjung Shah, the newly elected vice-president of the association, informed that there was a serious discussion on business expansion and job creation through coordination between food supplements and cosmeceuticals businessmen and also on production, distribution and consumerism.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १०, २०८१ १९:४५
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