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२८.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८४

President of World Triathlon Casado in Kathmandu


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World Triathlon President Marisol Casado arrived in Kathmandu on Thursday during a three-day visit to Nepal. Affected by the recent development and expansion of triathlon in Nepal, Casado Sadbhavana came to Nepal for a goodwill visit.

President of World Triathlon Casado in Kathmandu

In this process, she will go to Pokhara. The 2024 Asian Cup and South Asian Triathlon Championship is being held in Pokhara on Saturday. More than 65 athletes from 15 countries will participate in it and it is a recognized official event of World Triathlon.

Nepal has been organizing South Asian Triathlon since 2015 and Asia Triathlon Cup since 2019. Antonio Armani, Secretary General of World Triathlon is also scheduled to come to Nepal and he will arrive in Kathmandu on Friday.

General Secretary of Nepal Olympic Committee and President of Nepal Triathlon Association Nilendraraj Shrestha welcomed President Casado at Tribhuvan International Airport. World Triathlon is headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ ०८:५६
जनताको राय

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