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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २३९

Invitational football tournament in Navamidanda from Chait 28

लक्ष्मी गौतम

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Mustang inter-district invitational football tournament is going to be held in Phalgunand rural municipality-1 Navamidanda of Panchthar.

Invitational football tournament in Navamidanda from Chait 28

On the occasion of New Year 2081, Tijok Yuva Club organized the competition. In the tournament which will be held from March 28 to Baisakh 4, the organizers Tijok Yuva Club, Maivakhola Rural Municipality Taplejung, YF C Morang, Atharai Village Tehrathum, KP C Jhapa, Pathibhara Yuva Club Sunsari, Navkiran Sporting Club Jhapa and Atma Pavitra Hakchat Yakchum Mangsevung Ilam. Participating organizer Tijok Yuva Club said. The winner of the

competition will receive 255,555 and the runner-up will receive 155,500 Hemraj Angdemwe, president of the organizing organization, who received a trophy medal and a certificate along with 55 rupees in cash, said.

In the estimated cost of 16 lakh rupees, Falgunand Rural Municipality has provided 1 lakh 50 thousand and Ward Office Navmidanda has provided financial support of 1 lakh rupees, according to the organizers.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २५, २०८० १८:५६
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