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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Sodari of the United Samajwadi Party submitted a claim for the Chief Ministership of the Far West

अर्जुन शाह

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In the Far West, the leader of CPN (Unified Socialist) parliamentary party, Dilig Sodari, has submitted a claim for the Chief Ministership. Earlier, CPN-UML had taken a stand that they could not support his name, but finally after UML supported him, Sodari submitted his claim.

Sodari of the United Samajwadi Party submitted a claim for the Chief Ministership of the Far West

Sodari is supported by UML, Maoist Center, Civil Liberties (MP from Ranjita Shrestha Group) and Independent MPs. After the claims of two parliamentarians were submitted for civil immunity in the first call, the state chief rejected both Lakshman Kishore Chaudhary and Kailash Chaudhary and called them to submit their claims again on Tuesday .

Thursday is the last day to submit claims to the Chief Minister. There was confusion since Wednesday when the UML took a stand that it could not support Sodari as the Chief Minister even though it was ready to give the Chief Minister to the United Socialist Party. If the UML maintains its position, the United Socialist Party has joined forces with the Congress, but preparations to submit the claim have also started. For that, the Congress was also ready to support the unified socialists . Earlier, there was a stir after the Unified Socialists 'rebelled' against the central power coalition in the Far West.

After the United Socialist Party cooperated with the Congress and the RPP to support Laxman Kishore Chowdhury, a member of parliament who is a supporter of civil liberties, as the chief minister, there was a wave in the central power coalition. were prepared .

After the agreement, the commotion stopped on Tuesday after the United Socialist Party withdrew its support.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ६, २०८१ १६:०४
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