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Exploding tunnels will be accelerated from Sunday in Siddhababa

माधव अर्याल

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Exploding tunnels in Palpa's Siddhababa will be accelerated from Sunday. According to the decision of District Security Committee Rupandehi and Palpa, blasting work will be started from Sunday 13th June to construct the tunnel route in Siddhababa.

Exploding tunnels will be accelerated from Sunday in Siddhababa

Chief District Officer of Palpa, Anand Kafle, informed that the meeting of the District Security Committee has decided to conduct a preliminary exercise on Friday, May 11th, and to detonate the vehicles from the 13th as required. China State Construction Engineering Corporation is constructing a 1 thousand 1 cm 26 meter tunnel in Tinau Rural Municipality-3 Dobhan Siddhababa.

In the presence of the Nepali Army and the Nepal Police, the Chief District Officer Kafle informed that the explosions will be carried out as required. Traffic will be stopped for a limited period during the blast.

On Friday, June 11th, an explosion rehearsal was conducted in the presence of the Nepali Army and Nepal Police at the construction site. According to the latest update released by the project, the physical progress of the tunnel route is 11.41 percent and the financial progress is 17.5 percent. The Sadh Baba Tunnel Project Office has informed that the digging of 85.7 meters of the main tunnel has been completed.

In order to complete the construction work in five years, the construction work of the tunnel is being done after signing a contract with China State Construction Engineering Corporation in February 2078. The government has started a plan to build a tunnel for safe movement after the Siddhababa area under the Palpa-Butwal road section of the highway suffers huge losses every year due to landslides with falling rocks.

The construction of the tunnel from Upper Siddhababa Temple to Ramapithecus Park is underway . Rampukar Jaiswal, head of the project, informed that the construction work should be completed within the year 2083 according to the contract agreement. The construction company has spent a year on the design of the tunnel, and the digging of the tunnel has been delayed.

A 48.3 meter tunnel has been excavated from the main tunnel south portal . Information has been given that 37.4 meters tunnel has been dug towards North Portal . Only 23, 15, 15 meters have been excavated in both the south and north portals as well as the three bypass tunnels for exit.

According to the project, three auxiliary tunnels have been made at a distance of 300 meters to connect the tunnel to the outer road for emergency situations. A contract worth 7 billion 34 crore 21 lakh rupees has been signed. Among the dangerous roads, 2 and a half kilometers of road should be made safe through the use of double lanes, bypass roads, rock nets on the upper part of the road, rock seed, slope protection etc. Lal Bahadur Thapa, vice president of Tinau Rural Municipality, informed that it is believed that the tunnel will be easy and safe to travel to the mountain districts of Lumbini and Gandaki provinces including Palpa, Gulmi, Syangja, Baglung, Parbat and Terai.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १२, २०८१ १०:३९
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