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Winter session begins in Bagmati, opposition march against the government

सुवास विडारी

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The winter session of the Wagmati State Assembly has started from Tuesday. The meeting of the State Assembly has started after 141 days after two bills were passed on October 22.

Winter session begins in Bagmati, opposition march against the government

While congratulating the success of the convention, the opposition parties have presented themselves as a blockade against the government.

Even though the government held three consecutive all-party meetings, which delayed the session of the state assembly due to the blockade of the opposition, all the parties agreed on the operation of the house.

The opposition party and the government held a three-stage discussion on Tuesday. At the request of Chief Minister Shalikram Jamkattel, an all-party meeting was held under the leadership of Speaker Bhuvan Pathak and the agenda of the House was decided.

Most of the leaders who expressed their best wishes in the state assembly raised questions about increasing corruption, milk farmers' movement, agreement between the government and the opposition in the past, supplementary budget, the issue of meter-based victims, problems of cooperatives and microfinance, delay in the operation of the house and the working style of the government.

In the provincial assembly, the ruling party CPN-S, our Nepali Party and the opposition party CPN-UML, RPP and Nemkipa opposed the government regarding the delay in the operation of the House and the non-implementation of the agreement on the budget. The opposition party has said in the House that the previous agreement should be implemented even if the supplementary budget is brought.

The leader of the main opposition UML parliamentary party, Jagganath Thapalia, has said that the supplementary budget should be brought immediately to implement the agreement reached between the government and the opposition parties at various times.

It is necessary to correct the shortcomings in the budget of the current financial year by bringing a supplementary budget. The supplementary budget is beneficial to both the ruling party and the opposition.

'After the disparity in last year's budget, the government has made an agreement with us. MPs have been mistreated regarding the budget. The ruling party has committed political dishonesty', he also urged the opposition not to consider them weak.

We do not have any other demands to run the House smoothly. "It is only that the political injustice should be corrected," he said. He repeatedly reiterated that the agreement made by the government with them seven months ago should be implemented immediately. The government had earlier made a commitment to include the plans of the opposition in the budget under various headings.

RPP parliamentary party leader Uddhav Thapa said that the country has reached an economically problematic situation. "The government is playing pranks on the opposition party," he expressed regret over the cut in the milk subsidy given by the provincial government.

Nemkipa parliamentary party leader Surendraraj Gosain, Our Nepali Party's Shailendraraj Bajracharya and CPN-S leader Krishna Prasad Sharma Khanal addressed the House and drew attention to various issues of the government.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १५, २०८० १९:११
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